A downloadable mod

Humanity has lost its roots. People brought up by the modern world are not able to resist evil. Praise the ancestors and cleanse the Earth when shit hits the fan.

You are the last member of an ancient cult of guardians of ancient traditions. The modern world opposed your existence and almost crushed you, but an external force called into question the very future of humanity. This is your chance to show the world the strength of spirit inherited from your ancestors. Don't disappoint them.

This mod contains a large number of weapons and not all types of weapons you can carry with you. To pick up a weapon, perform the interaction while standing right in front of it. To throw away excess weapons, press the button installed in the special settings menu. The same goes for using inventory items.

Recommended port is Zandronum.

The mod is compatible with other mods that change opponents. Experiment.
Please look into the mod settings and set the control keys to use all the functions of the mod.


You_in_SHTF.pk3 73 MB

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